CCV Shop has a link with the bpost shipping service for the Belgian market. This is the postal company of Belgium and offers a solution for web retailers who want to organize their shipping processes more economically. The link makes it easy to register orders with Bpost in the maintenance tool. You can also easily print labels that you can then paste onto the packages.
Sign up for Bpost
Aanmelden voor een bpost account doe je via onderstaande link;
Overige informatie vind je hier;
*Please note. This website is only available in the Dutch and French language.
Install the App
To be able to use Bpost you first need to install the 'Bpost' app in the App Store. You can find this at ''Starting point > App Store under the category' Shipments'.
Settings CCV Shop
After you have installed the app, you need to make a number of settings in the maintenance tool. These settings can be found via: ''Starting point > My Webshop > Settings > Shipping & logistics - bpost'.
Please note! Your account ID is not your username.
Please note! CCV Shop is not liable for incorrect settings / shipments regarding insurance and other possibilities. Always check before sending the package if the correct label has been printed with the corresponding insurance.
Sign up for a Shipment
When you have finished setting up the link you can start signing up a shipment. You can arrange this in your order management via: ''Starting point > My customers > Order management'. When opening an order you will find the settings for bpost under the tab 'Links'. The label is immediately created as a .PDF file. Save them immediately.
Please note. The below examples are in Dutch. Unfortunately, there is no English version.
The orders have also been successfully sent to the bpost environment. Click here on 'Shipping Manager' to get to the dashboard. In your dashboard you will find an overview of all shipments.
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