You have the option to offer your customers a discount by means of a discount coupon. You can create this discount coupon in your maintenance panel at "Starting point > My Webshop > Discount coupons".
Please note! This feature is not installed automatically and you can find it in the App store.
There are several different options for the discount coupon:
- You can set discount as an amount or percentage.
- You can indicate whether or not you want to calculate shipping costs.
- You can have one or more coupons made, in the latter case multiple coupons with unique code are created.
- When you create more than one coupon, the system will generate a code. When you create one discount coupon, you choose a code yourself.
- You can indicate whether the coupon can be used once or more than once.
- If a voucher can be used several times, it would therefore be possible to order 100 times with a discount on 1 code.
- With the minimum amount you can indicate how much minimum must be ordered to use the receipt.
- Start and end date: Here you indicate when the action starts and ends.
Example: you have an action from Monday to Monday the following week. You set the start date on the Monday when it starts until the Monday that the action ends, when the action ends, that is also the end date you enter, so it up to and including date. If an action is valid for only one day, you can enter the same date before the start and end date. You fill in at the start date 12-12-2018 and at the end date you fill in 12-12-2018. This action ends on the same day at midnight.
The following explains how the coupon works, and how the calculation then looks like. The difference between a discount voucher and a gift voucher is also explained.
Please note! CCV Shop does not support a Gift Certificate. However, a discount voucher is offered as a possibility.
1. A discount voucher has been created to give the customer the opportunity to take part in an action. Think of no shipping costs, or a discount on a product.
2. A gift voucher is a kind of payment, which ensures that the amount to be paid is reduced.
As the first example shows, a discount of € 50 excl. VAT is not the same with a discount coupon, as a gift voucher. There are also differences in requirements of a discount coupon and a gift voucher. A gift voucher is actually 'money', but then in the form of a (digital) voucher. Think for example of a VVV voucher.
Calculation method discount coupon:
In the settings "Starting point > My webshop > Settings > General > General webshop settings"
you can specify under "Calculation method discount code" how you want the discount to be applied to the order. "Pro rata" means that the discount is divided proportionally over the products. If you choose "Lowest VAT tier first", the product with the lowest tier will receive the discount first. If the discount is greater than the lowest tier, the second-lowest tier will be used.
When choosing, take into account laws and regulations of your country.
It is possible to specify a condition for discount coupons. For example, you can apply the discount only to 1 product, or not to this product.
You do this under the "Conditions" tab when creating a voucher.
Besides products, it is also possible to specify brands and suppliers as conditions.
Depending on the choice, the discount voucher can then be applied or not.
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