The system searches for the words you specify. If you search for "Motorcycling", "Cycle" will not be displayed because the word "Cycle" does not appear in the word "Motorcycling". If you look at a different word, such as "Bicycle", "Cycle" will be displayed. This is because the word "Cycle" does appear in the word "Bicycle".
Spaces ensure that keywords are split up. For example, if you search for "Bicycle child", you will also see results with "child".
Search Area
The search engine within CCV Shop does not search in every field. This is a conscious choice because of the speed. The description is not searched for, because this field can contain a lot of text, and searches take too long to find out whether the search terms appear in it.
Because the search engine can not search all over, it is possible to enter additional keywords for products and categories in which the search engine can search. You can enter the "internal keywords" under both the products (under "Starting point > My Products > Manage products") and the categories (under "Starting point > My Products > Manage categories") under the tab "Metadata". Please note that the completed keywords in the categories have an effect on all products that fall under this category. If you search for a keyword that has been entered in a category, you will see all products that contain that keyword.
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