With shopping cart discount you can set discounts that only apply in specific situations. This way of giving discounts is very flexible and becomes visible when the products are in the shopping cart. Whether you want to make a splashing day offer every day or get a fun action of 6 and pay 3, it's all possible! When making a lot of rules you can set powerful discounts, but it's easy to lose the overview. Proceed with this carefully and test the rules thoroughly.
Step-by-step plan:
1. Activate the shopping cart discount app
2. Add, change or remove discount rule
3. Set discount rule: General information
4. Set discount rule: Discount
5. Set discount rule: Conditions
6. Set discount rule: Exclusions
7. Priority rule
1. Activate the shopping cart discount app
The "Shopping cart discount" app can be installed in the appstore under the category "Marketing".
2: Add, change or delete discount rule
Set your shopping cart discount based on discount rules. Each rule is one way of giving a discount. Multiple lines can be active at the same time.
You can go to the shopping cart discount app via Starting point > My Webshop > Shopping cart discount.
When you get to this page you will see an overview of all set rules. If you haven't set any rules yet, you will see an extra button to enter a discount rule.
If you want to add a new rule, click on: Add shopping cart discount rule.
If you want to edit or delete an existing rule you can click on the three blue dots. There you can choose: change discount rule and remove discount rule.
3: Set discount rule: General
With this you decide whether or not the discount is applicable in your shop. When a rule is active and it falls within the date below, it applies.
Rule name:
The name for the discount line. This is visible in the shopping basket and the checkout page.
The internal description for the discount rule. This is not visible to customers.
Start date / End date:
This option is optional. If you don't want to set a start or end date, uncheck the box.
With the start date you set when the discount starts, logically with the end date you set when you want the discount to end.
If the active button is off then the discount is not active, even if it falls within the start and end dates. When the end date has passed, the discount rule is not removed but deactivated. In this way you will always be able to see which discount rules you have created in the past. In addition, you can change the start date and end date later to reactivate the rule.
Only one discount rule can apply to each order. You can prioritise when which rule applies. This can be based on the highest or lowest value.
4: Set discount rule: Discount
Here you can set what discount you want to give and how much discount you want to give. We will explain the options below:
Calculate discount over
With this you can choose whether you want to give a discount on the shopping cart or on the shipping costs.
Discount type
With discount type you can indicate in which way you want to give a discount. We have three options for this, namely:
1. Amount
If you want to give a fixed amount of discount, like for example 5 euro discount on the total shopping cart amount of 50 euro.
2. Percentage
If you want to give a percentage discount on the contents of the shopping cart, such as 20% discount on the entire shopping cart.
3. X get Y pay
This allows you to set customers to receive a free product with a number of products in the shopping cart. For example: 3 fetch 2 pay.
Attention! X fetch Y payment is not available for shipping discount.
In the discount field you indicate how much discount you want to give. This field adapts to the type of discount.
5: Set the discount rule: Conditions
In this optional tab you can indicate when the discount should be active based on possible conditions.
In this field you indicate on which basis you want to activate the discount. This can be done on the basis of the shopping cart total amount (€), the total number of products in shopping cart and the total weight of the order (kg).
When you have made a choice, click on: Add condition.
After that you will get a new condition under the dropdown.
In each line you can apply several exclusions. Think of a minimum and maximum amount, or a discount on shipping costs when they are above a specific weight, but below a maximum.
Operator and value
The operator sets the way in which the condition is looked at. The value is the amount the operator checks.
Suppose you have set a 3 fetch 2 pay discount in the discount tab. This may not always be profitable. That is why you only want the discount to apply when a customer orders for a minimum of 20 euros and a maximum of 500 euros. Below is a screenshot of the conditions and how you can set this:
6: Set discount rule: Exclusions
With exclusions you can discount specific products, or apply exclusive discount on some products.
Here you indicate on the basis of which you want to exclude the discount. This can be done on the basis of the article number of the product, the name of the product or the brand of the product. When you have made a choice, click on: Add exclusion.
You will then receive a new exclusion under the dropdown.
You can apply more than one exclusion in each line. Think of a minimum and maximum amount, or a discount on shipping costs when they are above a specific weight, but below a maximum.
Operator and Value
The value is the article number, the name of the product or the brand to which you want to apply the exclusion.
With the operator you indicate whether or not you want the exclusion to apply to the product.
- At the same time, you ensure that a product does not count towards the discount.
- On the contrary, you ensure that ONLY a specific product counts towards the discount.
- Starts with the product name, brand or article number at the beginning.
- Ends with a partial agreement at the end with the product name, brand or article number.
- Contains a partial resemblance with the product name, brand or article number.
You want to do an action for the winter where you only want to give a discount on the product "wool jumper". Below we show an example of how to set this correctly by means of the exclusions:
7: Priority rule
Only one shopping cart discount rule can be applied per shopping cart. If you have set more than one shopping cart discount rule, you can specify when the app should use which rule.
Go (back) to: Starting point > My Webshop > Shopping cart discount.
Next to the add discount rule button is the settings button. Click here.
On this page you can set the method of priority. You have the choices: always apply the highest discount or always apply the lowest discount. You don't have to set anything special for this.
You can also choose from: always apply the discount rule with the highest priority or always apply the discount rule with the lowest priority.
For the latter two options, it is important that you first set the priority rule for each shopping cart discount rule. See section 3 > Priority.
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